Monthly Archives: March 2011

Student Teacher

I have agreed to take a student teacher for the last 10 weeks of the school year.Teacher Appreciation Cupcakes

There.  I have admitted it to the world, so therefore, I now have to follow that particular yellow brick road on the path to Oz.

I hate to sound so dramatic.  I mean, lots of teachers mentor pre-service teachers.  Lots of teachers do it all the time.  Lots of teachers do it well, all the time.  But, then again, lots of teachers are crazy.

The issue for me is control, the surrendering of it.  And I like my kids this year.  A lot.  And we’re really grooving into the 20th century now, the time frame when the students finally begin to “get” it and care a little.

But, I’m giving it up.  Instead, I’ll be watching a college senior have the fun.



Filed under Random, school